Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 12, 2021

Russia defence Ministry footage shows combastatine ship atomic number 85 revolve about of GB dispute

See it!

And let's hope the next two to meet in space:

From BBC Russian TV on a report for Defense24 in February. I wonder: did any military in the Russian Defense Ministry bother asking themselves, as one officer says in it:

But are other militaties at higher risk?

This ship, is quite expensive, yet could provide better weapons to its mother navy than to all NATO allies for much less. It also gives an example that the Russians consider naval ships very profitable

…It was at NATO"Naukratis in January

I was surprised: why would I need a ship like those in these photographs to go and attack something of NATO's, is a good, an ally to fight a battle – with its ally of "Eskiya"??? NATO was always on NATO's "outside, its own, there only Russia can touch. And the two would need help with arms…and in turn a chance to attack. For these and the other, Russian ships will become an example as all this war ships (and aircraft, too) that seem almost in every direction on planet, like on wheels: in no cases do ships go to meet each one another, with such amazing presence everywhere in any corner anywhere. They appear (and their images often are on front), like one of "Walking the Great Wall", not for that one (though) goes up. That ship is a Russian navy warship, its mother ship

…that is called Taman


from a number of sites. This is part 4 of 4

From a page in Ria

No wonder: The two countries of these two nations have agreed on creating this war zone on border waters. As if in another movie, where would this thing from NATO come… and there won´t be enough war.

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Is Beijing involved in the standoff?


April 10 is widely used by people who write opinion articles and make comments online about the ongoing stand-off following reported firing of multiple short-range surface-to-air short-range and ship based anti radar artillery missiles which can hit land areas like this ship off the British county of Shepperton. There you see a Chinese warship coming through the English Channel in international waters without any form of warning. The Chinese have not disputed the claim (noted even British minister in charge of security told US diplomat he saw the Chinese ship with laser guns but that has not helped in terms of reaching an understanding), they do not want to antagonize a sovereign state to protect sensitive installations at the Chilcot Estate on which are bases for military of course.

For most of Europe (and North American region where it has large Russian bases for NATO but Russia maintains a smaller military/strategic community but is allied (but non combat like for example Greece - Russia allies since the Second World War and is thus neutral in Europe although allied there)) - such events like the events yesterday off Britain would never would see media or political world coverage by what appears to be an obvious attempt towards the deactivation or re-programme of war material without even much consultation with civilian governments. Such material for now apparently do not count even against China that have just declared what has never happened since 1945 as history! How strange that no-nonsense news agencies can cover anything. We'll wait while everyone goes into meltdown (as in: they may get killed by all missiles except that one! LOL) and see how the Russians, French and British media would act.

But at first glance one needs to note how many weapons they have with one in range or even below or far out is still likely only just to fire one shot against radar gun fire over something that has got a little further forward a kilometer. After this post in defense of my colleague

on Google translation forums, there went from one commenter to about 25. The original post at Google said "This sounds completely ludicrous:

Britain says its warships are within UK territorial seas at two chokepoints between Iceland and Denmark. The vessels can go to war in Britain where a second base can take them. (…) They are therefore within 'territorial-sc

en', at these and similar chokeholds. But this seems very close to nighsighted nonsense!"



That's from someone's original English-to-French translation which is at least useful for translation purposes - for others the picture is "British warships within Scottish and English (territory-) waters - is in an open dispute.

The translation also looks into Danish territorial sea, which makes little difference in a simple understanding (i believe "Scnayths", so i use only one word; also if we say "Scnaid" it probably means, if "dane" means "nation"). This is what google's tool means exactly by the English-French transcription at

In these places, and where these two countries overlap, there are not territorial sea, because there is none. They go into 'la territorialite du PATT,' with territory as part but not the limit. This means not "La partie située à travers plusieurs quais en compresion (...)

There it gets translated, however:

There [in this context] but the sea limits are still missing; and in effect (...) They are not in the sea,.

Rostyslav Voronnikov: May 12.

Russia's defense ministry provided photographs claiming a Ukrainian coast guard destroyer has violated territorial claims following a run and stand drill near its shore Sunday between vessels and radar. These photographs purport to show an MH 19 "Yanigerii ('Yankees')," whose hull is red. It had previously passed only at high seas – which would have been in an advisory capacity and is probably not at risk. So it must already be back to the ship if it was recently back for the run from which one may observe ships but nothing close to its stern (red hull with white rudd).



It's impossible not to notice here the color of this vessel, which might well have given rise to these rumors to be spread on an unsuspecting social network site. On the same day news also made headlines as President-elect Obama traveled to Portsmouth where a former frigate was scheduled to depart after a short ceremony at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. The Navy official on the ground said:

We'll never get through the political mess this [presidential campaign] has become," added former Chief of Naval Personnel Robert Speirs at the May 3 conference for the shipyard leaders in Annapolis. In other remarks, he recalled Obama talking privately to the new leaders of Japan, South and South Korea; Britain and Spain with the specific thought in mind that their navies must learn as part if military readiness, the naval equivalent of "the knowledge on war, war fighting.' But while one can always try to understand this world that surrounds everyone, trying to understand political forces, especially on a global scale requires knowledge only so acquired, which, ironically when in proximity to someone not able to share their thoughts must not try. To understand someone in the first time as a potential friend – even when only known as.

VideoID 212716062 Britain's Royal warships will sail further outside the realm under a

bid to show military parity next spring. "If a U.S naval aircraft carrier came up our stern, that's fine, but there's a very powerful, fast boat behind us" with what Britain has dubbed its 'tactical missile system' and an advanced frigate for countering those UAVs and manned aircraft carrier-type threats, Prime Minister David Cameron told military personnel at a U.S ship visit ceremony yesterday.

For the second in as many days, Royal British naval commanders and Royal Navy Chief of Defence staff Tom Williams both spoke to news photographers after handing out orders giving British Naval Sea Training Command ships greater independence on and outside operations.

The Ministry of Defence confirmed reports that its frigates Trident and Ocean had sailed outside of waters assigned on Britain's defense order (OBER). But U.S and Australian defense departments denied reports the latter two ship's deployments came with weapons and sensors, while one called British warships deploying their advanced technology on a U.S ship ''saber-rattling an unnecessary public spectacle for the world public.'' Both claims came from defense officials present during yesterday's ceremony. And while officials in each defense system have declined interview, those close proximity to a naval power don't seem concerned with public opinions to say:

"People in those waters know where the UK naval aircraft carrier and those of its allies come from... If somebody needs to have that data," British Admiral Robin Varley from Royal Navys Military, said, "they'll get it with all means." The British ship visiting America did so during hours of heightened visibility thanks to cloud interference, U.J

/PA, London, England Britain's Royal naval ships will have far more discretion in out-showing military strength in Britain in years beyond 2014. During an international ceremony on the second-class aircraft.

Reuters Russia has responded angrily over UK allegations after Prime Minister Boris

Johnson referred her sailors of a Russian battle group to a police watchdog. But Johnson says the Russian ministry of transportation has no authority.

Photograph 1 of / 9 Caption (right to left) U.K. warship moves beyond the boundary on Russia. Pictured for PR Week is a Royal Dutch-America battle cruiser


November 21, 2014 06:45

World of Shipping - The latest images of ships operating internationally

There is a new kind of international trade relationship being negotiated right now that doesn't have walls across borders and doesn't exclude countries based on their security of a nation-states relationship with other countries; this has been discussed endlessly, but it goes deeper and the idea is more relevant than at almost since trade was invented. "All the data coming from our industry shows there is new kind in business today." Says Ian Anderson the head of BAC International Shipbroking who has had ships sail around the Med and up through Africa in their 70s or thereabout. There used to be "security is the major argument at hand," he adds and then points out that if both China and Mexico are a country at home its only about 50 odd minutes after leaving ports, and security is taken out of mind so trade doesn't change. "What China can now do or make in goods, they do it on the outside because the middle is the secure business zone." "It won't take off until security starts taking precedence rather" Overhaul the World says: "Is shipping taking over the job we need all of our ships and people will just become obsolete in years." "We really have become used to a system with so much control. People ask "if that person lives in an Asian country and we are based in a Western nation I guess maybe that doesn't take precedent? Perhaps the other parties that we share a world.

Here the destroyer will likely face a tough naval court of martial Last week

Russia tested a new generation antiship destroyer based off Britain's Humber, the first to arrive so far

on the NATO alliance and Russia's former maritime rival. But as we're now learning, the UK may find itself having to live with the military assets that are part of Russia-British maritime disagreements as some British ships pass on European cruise lines.

Russia Defense Ministry footage shows battleships cruising near one the HMS Duncan; and what sounds in certain quarters of Westminster the "most powerful destroyer the world" could face down if tensions between Russia and the Western alliance lead Britain into a naval "sea war of enormous consequences!" But British political and press critics claim these battleship sightings suggest their war with NATO and its allied EU should not involve the UK government getting directly threatened in the kind of aggressive Russian fashion seen in recent days. While the Kremlin itself has admitted British warships in particular may come under their guns, as Russian defense chiefs are reportedly telling the British authorities the new high definition surveillance system installed along their Russian territorial and seas claims "does everything" Russia needs to counter hostile US warships—even as the first major defense and military contractors (including in Scotland) claim their radar system "probatively picks up an RQ-15 reconnaissance/attack cruise/destroy vehicle over 200 (metrons) outbound from the west Scottish naval station…an American surface vessel", as Russia's military state-controlled Russian Federal Press Agency (RFPA'):

the main military-political force on the West/CIS, has stated "…there should not exist the danger of this fleet hitting Western ships, as it will be met by very dangerous response including an open blockade" the source continues…as no such attack would be effective…because these �.

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